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As we continue exploring the blessed statements (also known as the beatitudes) this year, let's focus on the fourth statement in this newsletter: "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled." - Matthew 5:6.

What does "hunger and thirst for righteousness" mean? When Jesus spoke these words, he emphasised the significance of desiring to live according to God's righteous standards. "Hunger and thirst" is a powerful metaphor for intense longing and desire, reflecting a strong passion for moral uprightness and a commitment to doing what is right in God's sight. Righteousness means maintaining the right relationships with God and the people in our community.

How can we apply the fourth beatitude to our lives? We can hunger and thirst for righteousness by consistently making the right choices, even when no one is watching and especially when it is uncomfortable. Let us strive to make choices that align with what is right and just, even in challenging situations. As we contemplate the fourth Beatitude, remember that hungering and thirsting for righteousness is a lifelong journey.

Each blessed statement is related to a Christian character trait that we aim to develop and role model at school. These character traits are often viewed as a progression or a journey of spiritual growth. Here's a brief overview of the first four blessed statements and the Christian character trait associated with the statement:


1. Humility (Blessed are the poor in spirit): The journey begins with recognising our spiritual poverty and dependence on God.

2. Compassion (Blessed are they that mourn): As we realise our need for God, we develop compassion, mourning our own sins and the brokenness in the world.

3. Gentleness (Blessed are the meek): Meekness follows, emphasising humility in our interactions with others and displaying patience and controlled strength.

4. Righteousness (Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness): Acknowledging our need for God and cultivating compassion for others leads to a hunger and thirst for righteousness, a desire to live according to God's standards.

May we endeavour to honour God by embodying humility, compassion, gentleness, and righteousness.

In the third and fourth terms, we will continue to explore the remaining blessed statements.

Thank you for your ongoing support throughout the first half of the school year.

Please click on the link after the devotion for photos and information on 

  • TPCS Cross-Country Run
  • Senior High School visiting the Career Expo
  • Christian Schools Australia (CSA) Study Tour
  • Important dates
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