In 2020, the Board of Trustees approved the C.E.N.Z. Curriculum for our senior high school program because C.E.N.Z. is distinctly Christian and emphasises high standards and mastery, which are essential for life after school.
Key features of the High School programme
Individualisation: Each child receives a personal Academic Prescription that allows them to progress at their appropriate level and rate of learning. Diagnostic Testing determines each student's learning needs and requirements, while the curriculum allows the teacher to give personal and precise assistance where necessary.
Mastery Learning: The curriculum allows students to learn the material they are studying. Mastery learning is essential for educational success. A student does not move on to a new concept until they have demonstrated that they have adequately learned the immediate material.
Biblical World View: Biblical principles and concepts are interwoven into all aspects of the curriculum. Each student is taught from a biblical perspective, developing critical thinking skills that will enable them to discern what is genuinely "...the good and acceptable and perfect will of God." (Romans 12:2)
Character Building: The senior high school programme incorporates sixty character traits of Jesus into the curriculum and provides role-modeling that promotes personal integrity and character. This, along with the practices and procedures, goal setting, and routines, requires students to develop Godly character.
C.E.N.Z. Certificates
C.E.N.Z. offers three secondary school qualifications based on students gaining credits for work completed at various achievement levels. The following certificates are currently available to students.
C.E.N.Z. Certificate Level 3 (27 credits)
A minimum of four (4) credits in university-approved subjects must be at Level 3 or higher—all N.Z. Universities approve the C.E.N.Z. Level 3 Certificates for university entry.
C.E.N.Z. Certificate Level 3 With Honours (27 credits)
a minimum of five (5) credits at Level 3, with an average test score of at least 93% in each of those five courses or an excellence endorsement on any N.C.E.A. courses (if offered) or an A* grade on any Cambridge courses (if offered).
C.E.N.Z. Certificate of Academic Achievement
suits students who cannot (or who do not wish to) obtain a Level 3 Certificate. It means they can craft a dedicated qualification that meets the specific needs of their chosen workplace or tertiary training sector.
Wherever possible, we recommend that students include English II and Algebra I (or their equivalents) in their qualification, as these meet the Literacy and Numeracy entrance requirements for New Zealand universities, thus giving students ongoing discretionary entrance (if so desired at a later stage).
NB: It should be noted that these certificates do not comment on the Christian character of the candidate.
Obviously, for entrance to popular courses, the individual's grades will be used to select successful candidates. This is the same for all candidates, regardless of their qualifications—the C.E.N.Z. Certificates of Academic Achievement provide entrance qualifications to all institutions throughout N.Z. The C.E.N.Z. Level 3 Certificate is one of only a few qualifications recognised for entry to N.Z. Universities. The other examples are N.C.E.A. Level 3, Cambridge A Level, and International Baccalaureate Diploma.
Over the years, students from Tyndale have gained entry into and graduated successfully from Universities and Technical Institutes throughout New Zealand. Tyndale Park Christian School is committed to the C.E.N.Z. Curriculum because it is distinctly Christian, instead of N.C.E.A., Cambridge and International Baccalaureate (IB) curricula.